Article 12316

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Elutina Marina Eduardovna, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, head of sub-department of social work sociology, Saratov National Research University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky (building 7, 120 Bolshaya Kazachiya street, Saratov, Russia),
Andronova Yuliia Eduardovna, Postgraduate student, Saratov National Research University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky (building 7, 120 Bolshaya Kazachiya street, Saratov, Russia),

Index UDK





Background. Charity practices in the field of entrepreneurship is an effective mechanism of social learning, support and a source of funds to address social problems, a mechanism to mitigate social tensions. The relevance of the study of gender differences in charitable activities among businessmen is caused by the need to search for the mobilization of resources to enhance their charitable initiatives and practices in terms of reforming the system of social support and protection of the population. The purposeof the study is to identify and characterize gender differen¬ces in charity practices of business people.
Materials and methods. The empirical base consisted of in-depth interviews conducted among small and medium-sized enterprises (n = 24) at their places of work. The study was conducted in the city of Saratov in the period from January to April 2016. The number of respondents was conditioned by the saturation of the coding categories (interviewing new respondents couldn’t give researchers a new understanding to disclose the topic).
Results. The qualitative authors’ study defines a gender-specific substantive content of charity practices. The article distinguishes a subjective orientation of charitable activities, as well as charity risk factors for business from a gender perspective.
Conclusions. Gender differentiation of charity practices by business people relates to their content-structural characteristics: orientation of charitable social assistance and support, choice of an object for charity, means of implementation of charitable activities. The main risk factors of business charity are a distrust to charitable foundations as well as a lack of economic and legal incentives to develop a system of entrepreneurs’ participation in charitable activities.

Key words

entrepreneurship, gender, charity, philanthropy

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Дата создания: 17.03.2017 12:41
Дата обновления: 17.03.2017 14:52